Monday, July 13, 2009

Tweeting at PicFic: 7-Tweet Special

Tune in to PicFic this week for my 7-Tweet Special, "Earning Your Keep."

Later, you can read the piece in its entirely at my author's page.

Thanks, as always, to Folded Word Press.

...July is nice.


July PANK.


Anne Rettenberg LCSW said...

Interesting idea, mini-poems as tweets. Still haven't figured out how to tweet or if I should.

Hope you're well. BTW, I read "Eddie Socko" and initially thought it was non-fiction. I became perturbed to read that you were living in your car. Then I realized that you couldn't have been living in your car and posting to Urbis so frequently. I have a ready suspension of disbelief I guess. Anyway, I liked it!

Mel Bosworth said...

Thanks, Elizabeth/A.

...I think you should Tweet. At first it's silly...well, it's always silly, but it can be fun, and helpful.