Full of Crow's Lynn Alexander recently took a poke at my piece, Grease Stains, Kismet, and Maternal Wisdom (Prick of the Spindle 3.2).
Read her review here.
Not only do I heart Full of Crow, but I also heart that Lynn called me "Bosworth."
Many thanks to some stellar women and publications. I'm looking at you, Lynn. And Aleathia. And, of course, Cynthia.
Thank you.
CONGRATS--but now what?
Congrats on the review, Mel.
now we bathe kittens and drink tea.
I must place your 'fuckshow' on my summer reading list. I miss reading Bosworth...*wonders if she should become a profession reviewer/editor, rather than writer*...not enough time, not enought time. Sending luv.lub your way.
thanks, jen. you just keep hammering the hounds and all will be well.
I heart all the photos in your recent blog posts. It has this, tranquility in shade, appeal.
Congrats on the great review. The Bosworth deserves it.
Thanks, T. Make summer slow.
I just read "No More Hot Lunches for Eddie Socko" at the Writer's Eye (sorry, it's hard to keep up with your constant publishing (show off)) and I read like the whole way through thinking, Wow, Mel was homeless? I need to buy him a beer sometime. And then this broad you're banging calls you Jeff and I'm like, Oh. Fiction, I guess. Duh. No beer for you.
Enjoyed the tale and my word verification was "sluctan."
Ha ha! Thanks, Otto.
...But no free beer for me? Dammit! I guess I'll have to buy you one sometime.
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