Monday, October 5, 2009

Dogen Said That

My first crack at YouTube. Terrifying.

...I dare you to follow my channel. While you're there, follow Folded Word and Shape of a Box. Be a hero. Be my hero.


xTx said...

33 seconds

Mel Bosworth said...

indeed it is

Matt DeBenedictis said...

33 seconds of twisting levels that go from tranquil to discomfort.

I am convinced you recorded this while huddled in the hallowed frame of a Saigon Warrior.

Don't try to talk me out of this. I swear it.

Mel Bosworth said...

you're awesome, matt. it's actually 34 seconds now that i properly slapped it on YouTube.


....good god.

Mel Bosworth said...

i know. GEEEEEE!

Teresa Houle said...

Double dork, because now we know that you own a Zen Calendar.

Mel Bosworth said...

zen calendars rule. i've had one for years.

Teresa Houle said...

you know that you are supposed to get a new one every year, right?

You hate me now, don't you? I would.

Mel Bosworth said...


Ethel Rohan said...

Let's hope it's not the one and only. I liked it a lot.

Mel Bosworth said...

Thanks, Ethel.

...and I may have already posted a new one at my YouTube channel.


Eric Beeny said...

Word-life, god...

Mel Bosworth said...


Cynthia Reeser said...

Nice. Just....nice.

davidpeak said...

yo i always thought you'd have some real thick bostonian accent where like you'd have an inability to pronounce the letter 'r'

i liked this video. i was not disappointed that you did not have an accent.

good job, mel

Mel Bosworth said...

Cynthia: gracias.

David: Thanks, brother. No Boston accent here. I'm in an "accent free" zone.