Sunday, October 18, 2009

> kill author #3

(click image to enlarge. note: ethan hawke was not harmed in the making of this drawing.)

The editorial anonymity rolls on, as does the bounty of stellar content.

This issue's crop yields goodness from Ajay Vishwanathan, Amanda Marbais, Audri Sousa, Drew Kalbach, Eric Beeny, Garrett Socol, Howie Good, Jason Jordan, Lisa Lim, Michelle Reale, Neil de la Flor, Phoenix Likely, Richard Santos, R L Swihart, and U.V.Ray.

Read it all here. Read my contribution here.


Jason Jordan said...

Nice work, Mel. Dug your piece.

Haha about the drawing, and I completely agree. Hawke's fiction sucks, but I like him in movies.

Unknown said...

Nonfiction, I assume.

Teresa Houle said...

Great story, congrats on killing the kill author.

tia prouhet said...

BAHAHAHAHA. Great drawing.

Melvin Magnificat, you makes me smileses.

Mel Bosworth said...

Thanks, everyone.

Caleb: fiction fiction fiction!

Eric Beeny said...

I'm digging "Turn" a bunch... Great to share space with you, sir...

Laura Ellen Scott said...

excellent story. dorothy parker would be . . .proud? no. drunk.

Mel Bosworth said...

Eric: thanks, and back at you. EB is blowing up the spot these days!

Laura: drinkity drunk drank drink-o. and thank you.

audri sousa said...

damn, son. 'turn' is wicked massive. after reading i said 'mantis'. then i had to close the office door. always a pleasure to tango (with bloody machetes) around the internets with yourself.

Matt DeBenedictis said...

Hello new desktop wallpaper.

Hello great words.

Party in the office! Yeah!

Mel Bosworth said...

you're beyond awesome, matt.