Yes, that's right. A bit early, but not by much.
From the desk of J.S. Graustein:
Since all the school children are wearing their costumes today, I decided that Halloween is already here. From now until 1 December 2009, all print chapbooks will be sold for $8 (list is $9). This will include postage (to anywhere in the world) and tax (if mailed to California). Folded Word would also like to give Mel's friends/fans a treat by offering them a signature option on his chapbook for an extra $1. And no, Mel is not pocketing the buck for his golden scribble. It's for the extra envelope and stamps.
Cheers! J.S.
...There you have it. I love you guys. The quality of this hand-bound chapbook is ridiculously awesome. In addition to receiving either a signed or unsigned chapbook, you also get the promise of a ridiculously awesome hug should we ever meet.
Thanks, everyone.
Best, Mel
11/30/2009 Notice: The personally signed option is no longer available. However, if you really want me to sign it, and I would absolutely love to, I'm sure we can work something out. Drop either me or Folded Word a note.
Frickin' awesome. Congrats, Mel. Big hug, homie...
Thanks a ton, Eric. Big hugs back at you.
I want it signed and licked.
Consider it done.
YES! Can't wait for my signed, molested copy. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE....
WHAT!! You didn't tell me this was happening! GO TEAM BOSWORTH! I want a million. There is no money in my bank account until Wednesday. Stupid. I'm excited, mister. I owe you a loaf.
Congrats, Mel. I ordered my copy. :)
Teresa: I will molest the hell out of your copy!
Tia: LOAF!!!!!!
Jason: I bow to thee, bearded brother.
Thank you all so much. I weep. I really do.
I'm excited (and tired, which is why you don't get a more witty comment here).
Done. You go.
Caleb: I'm excited and tired too. Can't wait for Charactered Pieces and Razzed to push each other on the swings. Thanks for the love, brother.
Ethel: ETHEL!!!!!!! (thank you)
I'm gone for a week and see what happens. The world explodes, Bosworth puts forth a new chapbook, and the economy is...er, nevermind.
I can't wait for my signed copy. Which I would also request you to molest, however it's been done before, so nevermind.
i will do something unique to your copy, cynthia. thank you, as always.
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