Anyone who keeps up with What To Wear During An Orange Alert? knows that it's consistently, and impressively, bursting with fresh content. Mind bogglingly cool content. All the time.
Art? Artist Interviews? OA's got it. Jason's on top of it.
New books? Oh yeah.
New music? There.
My favorite feature is the Saturday WATCH LIST, a compilation of what Jason is listening to, reading, wishing for, getting, and, of course, watching. Saturday's WATCH LIST is like what Saturday morning cartoons used to be for me. I stagger out of bed in my pajamas, fill my face with cereal, and wait for the WATCH LIST to come on. I might even scuff around on the carpet and zap doorknobs if I get too anxious.
This week the Jason Behrends Awesome Machine was kind enough to offer me my own Saturday morning WATCH LIST. And I can't thank him enough. After putting it together, I now have a sense of how much time and care he puts into all of his posts for OA. And I'm even more impressed than I was.
Thanks again to Jason for all he does. Good man, right there. Hopefully he got a bit of rest today.
And congrats to the sharp shooters who participated in the OA contest today: Rebekah, Chloe and Gabe. May your days soon be filled with Razzyness. (click pic for WATCH LIST mayhem)

Thanks for reading, Mel, both the d and my own stuff. :)
heck yes, jj.
OA is very awesome. I love that site!
Good watch list, by the way.
thanks, glen! wooot!
Thanks for the shout out :)
my pleasure, jessie. paper house approaches!!!
Mel, I heart your list.
my list wants to buy you a drink.
I won, I won, I won!
And you're right, the Watch List is grand.
ahhhhhh yeah!!!!!
Shit, man. What a big, beautiful Orange list you've come up with! It'll keep me busy for a bit, and loving every minute of it.
thanks, shel. it's fun to watch.
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