Lots of news around the neighborhood again. But all good news. This is the kind of neighborhood I like to live in. The crime rate is low, people generally pick up after themselves and keep their yards clean, and although the bulk of the residents are totally batshit, they're all very cool. I'm happy to have such unique neighbors.
What's new?
Bound Off turns 50!
Word Riot is having a feeding frenzy.
Matchbook is starting fires again thanks to Jimmy Chen.
The Collagist has some great veggies in the garden, and they've got a spiffy new submission manager too. Who doesn't love that? Prick of the Spindle recently got in on the action as well.
JMWW is getting flash happy. Who doesn't love the hot neighbor that's always naked at the window?

And speaking of naked at the window, be sure to take a peek at the new kid on the block, Sleep. Snort. Fuck. (Ha. Now I remember why my blog has a disclaimer!) I've got a bit of dirty Monday drying on the clothesline.
And that sinewy kid Trick With a Knife is growing by leaps and bounds.
Looking good, neighborhood. Looking real good.
Great post, Mel. I love your energy.
Thanks, Ethel. My energy comes from too many donuts.
Fweakin' funny stowy, Mewwy-Mew. I wove wwiting wike this...
killing me, e-bones. killing me.
Just want to tell you I loved your story about the man in the pickle jar at the site I think is called fiction at work.
Why thank you, Rochelle. That is very nice of you to say. And thank you for visiting my silly little blog.
Mel that is one of my favorite songs. I enjoy you so much.
well i enjoy you too, roxane! it's good to let the jill scott out.
wookie wook.
naughty naughty.
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