The amazingly slick and awesome issue of Dark Sky Magazine features work from Jensen Beach, Gabe Durham, Molly Gaudry, J. Michael Walgren, Elisa Gabbert, me(yay!), and many more. Purchase issue #1 HERE, or subscribe HERE (Pssst! Subscriptions are only $20).
The equally slick and awesome issue of Big Pulp features work from Jarrid Deaton, Steve Bennett, Sarah Hilary, Tracie McBride, Jeremy Ryan, Michael D. Turner, and many more. Purchase issue #1 HERE. Very nice.
It is 2011 and I am happy.
Cool. My copy of Dark Sky should arrive soon. :)
You know, I just thought Big Pulp was going to reprint my story, then, BOOM, I get my copy in the mail and I am elbow dropping from the top rope all over the cover. Happy guts.
that is a great surprise, jarrid, and a great way to start 2011. congrats, sir.
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