Sunday, February 13, 2011

Contest Closes, A Valley Fave Gets Greased, Antony Sings

The Flash Fire 500 contest is now closed. If you got your entry in on time, I am proud of you. If you didn't get your entry in on time, I am sad for you. The winner will collect $100, and the winning text will be published mid-March.

Flying Object in Hadley, Massachusetts is a bookstore, letterpress, gallery, and so much more. Last night I attended Cover Songs of Love & Hate, a Leonard Cohen tribute, and it was RAD. What's also rad is that you can now snag a copy of my novella Grease Stains, Kismet, and Maternal Wisdom at Flying Object, which you should totally do because the money you spend goes straight into the pocket of the Flying O. and that is a great thing.

Now Antony: